Telegram: birbloom
Discord: birbloom
Email: torotixy[at]


Birbloom is an artist from Victoria, Australia. They have been active within the artist community for over 15 years, originally posting their work on deviantART and gaining a Bachelor's Degree in Visual Arts (Visual Communication Design) at Deakin University. They have collaborated and worked with multiple brands including Neopets, Sushi Dogs and Bagbeans, as well as completing small graphic design jobs for local businesses and growing livestreamers.
Currently, they stream weekly on Twitch and small drawing commissions are available through the ko-fi platform. Graphic design jobs can be discussed on a case-by-case basis over email.
Birbloom's mission is to continually improve their skills and use their work to connect and collaborate with more artists. Their vision is to use the proceeds of selling their products at local markets and conventions in order to fund more ambitious artistic projects.